A Parking Guidance System (PGS) in a car park helps drivers to find parking quicker and easier with no stress. A PGS system usually includes three main components: a vehicle detector per parking bay, an LED indicator (Green/Red/Blue) to indicate whether the parking bay is available or taken, and Digital Signage at each level entrance to display the number of parking available. A new Video Parking Guidance System (VPGS) uses cameras to detect vehicles and also read number plates. A VPGS system can add several advanced features such as each parking bay can be pre-booked for a vehicle with number plate or in a large car park, sometimes drivers forgot where their parking, the system can search the number plate and show the position of their parking. Another trending application is monitoring car parks with EV charging stations. Due to the limited number of parking bays installed EV charging stations, only vehicles with parking permits are allowed to park in the bays.
Ultrasonic Vehicle Detector Sensor
Becas released two versions of PGS sensors: Ultrasonic Vehicle Detector and Camera Vehicle Detector.
The Ultrasonic sensors applied the ultrasonic beam to detect the vehicle coming in or leaving a parking space. The ultrasonic sensors are still the most popular sensors used in indoor car park guidance system.
The latest 2-In-1 ultrasonic sensor integrated with light indicator (three colours: Red, Green and Blue) that can simplify the installation.
Green colour can be assigned for public parking spot and blue colour applied for specific parking spot as staff, disabled or EV vehicles.
A powerful Becas PGS Server can manage a multi storage car park in all sizes from under 100 and up to 1000 parking spaces (with sensors, light indicators, and digital signages).

Video Parking Guidance System (VPGS)
Becas is a pioneer company to deploy IP cameras in Off-street Car Park Guidance systems with ALPR technology.
VPGS system is made up of a network of up to thousands of IP camera sensors connected to a central management server.
The camera sensor has a built-in AI software engine to detect vehicles in parking bays and send the captured pictures to the management server to process and read number plates with Becas ALPR software engine.
VPGS system can support a pay-by-plate feature like you can pre-book your favourite parking bay in a special event or in the residential building car park, each parking bay owned by a resident.
In density cities like Sydney, London, Hongkong, and New York, people are willing to pay $300,000 to own a parking spot. VPGS system can help manage the valuable parking spots effectively with ALPR camera technology. VPGS system provides more information about each vehicle parking at each parking bay, not just occupancy time but also pictures of vehicles to car park operator.
Multi Storage Car Park Guidance System
PGS can be deployed in many car park applications such as airports, clubs, casinos, hotels, resorts, shopping centers, hospitals, residential, office and commercial buildings.
The Vehicle Detector (Off-Street Car Park), and Smart Parking Sensor (On-street Car Park) can be installed in restricted parking bays as Disable, Loading Zone, School Zone, or in Club/Casino VIP parking bays.
Car Park operators can be alert whenever the restricted parking bays are taken or become available.

Find my Parking Spot
In a large car park sometimes drivers forgot where their park. With the help of the VPGS system and Becas Parking Phone App, drivers can be notified location of the parking spot accurately.
VPGS system can also improve the security of a car park overall with storage of hundreds of camera pictures frames of license plates recorded.
VPGS can monitor restricted parking spots and alert any illegal parking.
VPGS can also help new trends of BOPIS shopping (Buy Online Pick Up In-Store). Most of the big retailers like Amazon, Bunning Warehouse, Harvey Norman now have BOPIS options available. VPGS can monitor the reserved parking spots and alert warehouse staff to deliver orders to customer vehicles.
Vehicle Counters & Parking Guidance Digital Signages
Becas launched a very simple and cost-effective parking guidance system that does not require vehicle sensor per each parking space. Instead, a wireless vehicle detector is installed at each entry or exit of each parking zone and the sensor acts as a counter every time a vehicle passes through it.
The PGS system displays the number of available parking spaces in each parking zone at the car park main entrances, which helps drivers find parking quickly and easily.
The Outdoor Signage helps drivers with parking information if the car park still has parking bays available before entering the car park to avoid time loss and bad parking experience and improve the return of drivers.

Indoor Digital Signage
Indoor Digital Signage displays number of parking available at each level or the next level of a car park and helps drivers to find parking easier and quicker.
Becas PGS Server sends the display data to the digital signages in real-time.